CRank: 5Score: 900

That wasn't very funny Xbox Avatars Shoe. I'm taking your bubbles and there's nothing you can do to prevent it ha!

5456d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

There's a LOT of replay-ability for ODST between co-op campaign and Firefight so even though the campaign is only 6-8 hours (according to IGN, GameTrailers etc) there's still a lot of gameplay time.

And you still can't rate a game based on what you hear, without playing it. HAZE sounded great but it actually sucked! You can't give a game a score without playing it.

It's like rating a movie based on a trailer which reminds me of this amazingly hilarious video:

5477d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

Have you personally played? How can you say it deserves an 8? You can't review a game based on stuff you heard or some trailers.

And Heavenly Sword had no multiplayer, co-op campaign or a co-op game mode so in a way it's much shorter than ODST.

Also, I'm laughing at how I already lost two bubbles. You Sony fanboys are making yourselves look dumber and dumber. I'm a Sony fan (as well as 360 fan) but you fanBOYS are crazy. You fit the "boy" in "fanboy&qu...

5477d ago 24 agree11 disagreeView comment

Nice to see another great review. I'm going to the midnight launch in a bit. I can't wait! I'm gonna play the campaign alone first, then play firefight for awhile, then beat the campaign on legendary with some friends and finally get the last few Vidmaster Challenges.

Since you know the PS3 fanboy sh*tstorm will be coming, I might as well say this in advance:

PS3 fanboys, please don't invade this article. Let us 360 fans comment together in peace. There's no need for...

5477d ago 65 agree66 disagreeView comment

Seriously it's like you guys are scared of ODST! Go praise Uncharted 2 in the Uncharted 2 articles and let the 360 fans praise ODST in the ODST articles.

I'm completely neutral and I praise games in their respective articles. Unlike the fanBOYS, I don't go in a game's article just to bash it. Look at my post history; it should be a guideline for all N4G users. Comment on a game that you personally are interested in it's articles and don't comment on a game that you hate.

5477d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Apparently the Spec Ops mode in this consists of 60 second missions like Mile High Club from CoD4. Who ever play MHC more than once? Besides the people going for the veteran achievement that is. 60 second missions won't have a lot of replay value; there not much to do in 60 seconds except like infiltrate a room and who want to do the same room over and over? Even if there's 15 missions, who's gonna want to play them more than twice each?

Nazi Zombies is amazing but they need to r...

5478d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"it's a package of a 4 hour single player with an old multiplayer game from 2 years ago with no new maps"

Actually according to all of the reviewers including the credible reviewer IGN and GameTrailers, it's a 6-8 hour campaign. Also, it includes 3 NEW maps that you can only get if you buy ODST and even though it's multiplayer is two years old, it's still one of the best, if not THE best there is. Those legit reviewers also said that FireFight is the best iteration of t...

5478d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Since I can't reply to the first post due to it being deleted, I will reply down here:

@ 1.2 dolan

"This game would be getting 5/10s or worse if it was on any other platform or Microsoft actually had a huge line up of exclusives."

So you've played it? Or can you tell by some trailers that it deserved a 5/10? You can't rate a game by what you read, review or not, you have to play it for yourself to judge. This reminds me of how people play a dem...

5478d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I knew this would be the case when I heard "Polyphony + PS3" :)

5478d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care what the PS3 fanboys say; I can't wait! I don't have any of Halo 3's map packs, so to me it's actually a good value since I'll be getting $28 worth of DLC. $30 expansion and firefight + $28 DLC = $58 so maybe I'm paying $2 extra but whatever. It's NOT a value for all of my friends who already bought $30 worth of Halo 3 DLC.

BTW the reason I listed the DLC as $28 is because the Heroic map pack is now free, and the Legendary map pack is now only $8 instead of $10.

5479d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

I don't care what the PS3 fanboys say; I can't wait! I don't have any of Halo 3's map packs, so to me it's actually a good value since I'll be getting $28 worth of DLC. $30 expansion and firefight + $28 DLC = $58 so maybe I'm paying $2 extra but whatever. It's NOT a value for all of my friends who already bought $30 worth of Halo 3 DLC.

BTW the reason I listed the DLC as $28 is because the Heroic map pack is now free, and the Legendary map pack is now only $8 instead of $10.

5479d ago 9 agree12 disagreeView comment

I don't trust this review OR the one that gave ODST a 9.5. Any fanboy can make a site and either bash a game or praise it to death without even playing it. I trust the big sites because I know that they're (mostly) credible.

I do the same with PS3 reviews. The big sites are the only ones that matter.

I'm NOT like the other ridiculous fanboys (both sides) on here who say a low scoring review from a no-name site for one of the "other" consoles is a "Grea...

5479d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Step 1: Greet victim and offer to remove your shoes.

Step 2: Commence friendly small-talk and smile often.

Step 4: Ask where the crime will take place.

Step 5: Open box.

Step 6: Plug in all cords.

Step 7: Turn on power.

Step 8: Upon start-up, a message will appear asking if you would like to use automatic display and sound settings.

Step 9: Select "Yes".

Step 10: Commit heist.

5479d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

The multiplayer demo will be available to download from the PSN store for free on the 29th. If you weren't cheap and would have pre-ordered the game for $5 you could already be playing it.

5480d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What about Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time?

5480d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The retarded mods deleted my comment because I said Uncharted will get better score than ODST! My comment was really long and had a lot of detail but my 1 sentence that said U2 will score better than ODST warrants removal? It had a ton of agrees and almost no disagrees so it's not like my comment was posted just to anger people like the most comments that get deleted by the dumb mods! LOL N4G is so retarded!

I'll post it again just to spite the idiot mods:


5480d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Notice the 10 in graphics PWNT!

5480d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Notice how U2's review came out 3 WEEKS before the game is released but ODST's is coming out 3 DAYS before release due to Bungie's strict review embargo. Shows you how confident ND and Bungie are in their games ;)

9.5 Presentation
Fantastic cutscenes tell a very good if not perfect story.

10 Graphics
Absolutely the best of the best these days. Your jaw will drop.

9.5 Sound
Great weapon effects, fantastic voice acting and a mostly brilli...

5480d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment
5481d ago

9.5 from IGN!

5481d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment